A Search for the Best Coaching Success Stories
Your health coaching has resulted in healthier, happier patients. Throughout its history, students and graduates of the Clinical Health Coach® have shared a host of Coaching Success Stories regarding their work with individuals. They are proud of their work and find value in the impact they are having upon patients and their health.
The Clinical Health Coach® would like to hear your best story. We would like to feature your work as a health coach, promote the value you have experienced as a result of health coaching and encourage health coaching as a strategy for true patient-centric care. This is a competition to find the best of the best stories.
Simply, share your Coaching Success Story with us in 500 to 700 words (or 1-2 pages double spaced) by September 20, 2014. A panel of Clinical Health Coach® faculty will select the best of those stories. The 3-5 leading stories and their authors will be featured in one of our Fall 2014 newsletters. Plus, authors of these leading stories will receive a recognition gift card. Story selections will be completed and the leading authors announced on or before October 15, 2014.
Any Clinical Health Coach® enrollee or graduate may enter. Since some of you have several great stories to share, we encourage you to do that. However, we are limiting each of you (enrollee or graduate) to no more than two submissions.
A Coaching Success Story typically highlights a coaching relationship with an individual (patient) that resulted in improved health behaviors, demonstrated new self-care skills, or a new level of personal accountability for health. And, one or more of these patient changes subsequently resulted in a positive outcome for the coached individual.
We will accept your Coaching Success Story in any format. However, it may be valuable for you to speak to these areas:
- Description of the individual (patient) and their initial health status or risk.
- How did your health coaching make a difference in their quality of life, their symptoms or health risks, their clinical lab values or weight, their ability to self-manage?
- Did the patient avoid an unnecessary ER visits, hospitalizations or other predictable health costs?
- Was the patient able to maintain resultant positive health behaviors over time?
- What makes this story stand out for you?
- Which coaching skills do you believe had the biggest impact in supporting your patient?
Please avoid using the actual names of patients in your story. Please do share your name, position, organization, email and phone. We will give attribution to the chosen stories and others submissions should they be used in the report of the competition, or subsequently. By submitting your story, you grant the right to the Clinical Health Coach® to publish or use your story with credit to you.
We look forward to your submissions with high anticipation! Please send your entry to [email protected]
Deadline for submission of entries is September 20, 2014. Submit to [email protected]