Why Coaching?
- Coaching improves health outcomes. “Integrative Health Coaching for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes,” Wolever et al, Diabetes Educator, Volume 36, No. 4, July/August 2010.
- Coaching improves physical & mental health status. “Effect of Motivational Interviewing-Based Health Coaching on Employees’ Physical and Mental Health Status,” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Butterworth et al, Oregon Health & Science University 2006.
- Patient activation improves self-management. “Do Increases in Patient Activation Result in Improved Self-Management Behaviors?” Hibbard et al, Health Services Research, August 2007.
- Coaching is an effective chronic care intervention. “Motivational Interviewing-Based Health Coaching as a Chronic Care Intervention,” Linden et al, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, February 2010.
Coaching Impact
- The case for clinical health coaching. “Health Coaching for Patients,” Family Practice Management, Bennett et al, September-October 2010.
- Health coaches build practice competence and throughput. “The Teamlet Model of Primary Care,” Bodenheimer et al, Annuals of Family Medicine, September/October 2007.
- Using health coaches in a clinical setting pays financially. “Office-Based Health Coaches: Creating Healthier Communities,” Swieskowski , Mercy Clinics, Group Practice Journal 2008.
- ICCC’s population health success. “Iowa CHF Telemonitoring Demo Shows Good Outcomes,” Disease Management News, Volume 13, Number 29, July 2008.
- Population health and health coaching. “Promoting Health, Preventing Disease, and Prompting Population Progress,” Appelgate, The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment, Institute of Medicine 2012.
- Clinical Health Coach aligns with PCMH accreditation. “The Clinical Health Coach: A Primary Driver of the Patient Centered Medical Home,” Iowa Chronic Care Consortium 2011.
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