By Kathy Kunath, RN Training and Partner Relations Clinical Health Coach® Health coaches and/or the use of health coaching skills is an effective way to address and support the newly released collaborative document, “Shared Principles of Primary Care”. Population-based health coaching, grounded in the science of behavior change, directly supports each patient and their family […]
Clinical Health Coach® National Survey
Health Coaches Improve Outcomes of Patients with Hypertension
Health coaching for wellness in workplace environments has become an accepted practice for employees committed to leading healthier lives. However, within the clinical setting, it is evolving from a “friendly but optional approach” to a solid strategy for capturing at-risk patients. This solid strategy engages patients in their self-care and coordinates their personalized needs with […]
Why We Created Clinical Health Coach® Training – Minority Report
By William Appelgate, PhD Set in 2054, Steven Spielberg’s science fiction masterpiece Minority Report depicts a landscape where homicide is no longer punished because it doesn’t occur. Instead, talented staff, hi-tech systems, and advanced procedures are in place prevent it (albeit with the necessary theatrical flourishes and always just in the nick of time.) Prevention […]
Population Health: A Most Valuable Resource
Population Health: A Most Valuable Resource Implementing an effective population health strategy is priority for many healthcare practices and organizations. There are a lot of moving parts. It usually takes a committed team. And, organizations often look for the latest information available as a guide. Clinical Health Coach® faculty, during our trainings across the country, […]
Making a PCMH “Feel Like Home”
Making a PCMH “Feel Like Home” William Appelgate, PhD, CPC Healthcare reform is shaping new ways that we organize and deliver healthcare in America. Few healthcare organizations can escape, and most recognize they must lead, or at least join, the eminent shift toward population health, payment for value and medical home expectations. Healthcare organizations are […]
Health Coaching is Driving Practice Transformation
Health Coaching is Driving Practice Transformation Health coaching is on the rise as an active healthcare practice transformation strategy. Several forces drive widespread acceptance of this strategy in clinical practice settings. To be sure, robust health coaching supports development and accreditation of Patient Center Medical Homes. However, even more significantly, it adds power to the […]
Coaching Boomers to Better Health
Coaching Boomers to Better Health By William Appelgate, PhD “Given that the healthcare system is overburdened and clinician time is limited, some experts regard patient self-management as the only arena where there is available capacity within the U.S. healthcare system for improving quality of care and reducing cost.” -Rand, 2007 Healthcare is at a profound […]
Architects for Health
True healthcare reform springs from the capacity of individuals in a population to build self-care skills, improve their health behaviors and accept accountability for health. It is not about giving motivation but inspiring it. This inspiration comes more easily for some than others. Lifting health status and reducing the risks in a population can be […]
Stop the Presses
The Health Care Blog (THCB) July 30, 2013 Stop the Presses: A Disease Management Program Worked By Al Lewis I am known in the disease management and wellness fields as a naysayer, critic, curmudgeon, and/or traitor…and those are only the nouns that are allowed to be blogged across state lines. This is because I am […]