A Physician Perspective on Health Coach Training Over the span of two months this past winter I took the Clinical Health Coach® training. I took it because the ICCC’s Executive Director promised me it would improve my communication with my difficult patients, and possibly, even with my husband. What I took away from it was […]
*Health Coaching Support
Why Coaching? Coaching improves health outcomes. “Integrative Health Coaching for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes,” Wolever et al, Diabetes Educator, Volume 36, No. 4, July/August 2010. Coaching improves physical & mental health status. “Effect of Motivational Interviewing-Based Health Coaching on Employees’ Physical and Mental Health Status,” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Butterworth et al, Oregon […]
*NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home Recognition Program: Health Coaching Supports the 2017 Standards
By Kathy Kunath, RN Clinical Health Coach® Training and Partner Relations The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a care delivery model where patient treatment is coordinated through primary care physicians to ensure that necessary care is provided when and where it is needed, in a manner patients can understand (American College of Physicians). A primary […]