By Kathy Kunath, RN Training and Partner Relations Clinical Health Coach® Health coaches and/or the use of health coaching skills is an effective way to address and support the newly released collaborative document, “Shared Principles of Primary Care”. Population-based health coaching, grounded in the science of behavior change, directly supports each patient and their family […]
How Can Successful Clinical Health Coaches Avoid Bias?
When faced with the opportunity to establish a coaching relationship with a new patient, many factors may enter the coach’s mind as they prepare to engage and support the patient. What is known about the patient beyond the chronic disease or condition(s) that brought them to the coaching environment? How has the patient attempted to […]
Medical Home
Health Coaching in the Medical Home
CHC Training Story
Clinical Health Coach® Training Developed by the Iowa Chronic Care Consortium The Clinical Health Coach® Trainings were developed seven years ago by the Iowa Chronic Care Consortium to improve patient-centered care in primary care, hospitals and community health centers. More recently, the trainings have actively served integrated health systems and accountable care organizations. Developed and […]
Diabetes Evaluation
Triple Aim: Delivered in Real World Gold Standard Letter of Validation Granted to Population Health Organization for Outcomes in Iowa Medicaid Program Organizing to seek the Triple Aim of “better health, better healthcare and lower cost” has been daunting for many. Fulfilling its promise has been rare. Actually delivering the Triple Aim in the real […]
Becker’s Hospital News
The underrated value of coaching in healthcare: 4 thoughts from population health expert Dr. William Appelgate Written by Mackenzie Bean | January 25, 2017 | Print | Email William Appelgate, PhD, is the cofounder of not one, but two organizations dedicated to population health. He helped found the Iowa Chronic Care Consortium, a population health non-profit, in 2002 […]
*Physician Perspective
A Physician Perspective on Health Coach Training Over the span of two months this past winter I took the Clinical Health Coach® training. I took it because the ICCC’s Executive Director promised me it would improve my communication with my difficult patients, and possibly, even with my husband. What I took away from it was […]
*Health Coaching Support
Why Coaching? Coaching improves health outcomes. “Integrative Health Coaching for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes,” Wolever et al, Diabetes Educator, Volume 36, No. 4, July/August 2010. Coaching improves physical & mental health status. “Effect of Motivational Interviewing-Based Health Coaching on Employees’ Physical and Mental Health Status,” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Butterworth et al, Oregon […]
*NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home Recognition Program: Health Coaching Supports the 2017 Standards
By Kathy Kunath, RN Clinical Health Coach® Training and Partner Relations The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a care delivery model where patient treatment is coordinated through primary care physicians to ensure that necessary care is provided when and where it is needed, in a manner patients can understand (American College of Physicians). A primary […]
*Health Coaching Success with an Employer Population
Pam Faulkner, RN, BSN and Stephanie Wilt, RN, BSN both work with the Hannibal Regional Healthcare System in Hannibal, Missouri. They both partner on a Population Health project in their rural setting, and they have one more thing in common. They both are graduates of The Clinical Health Coach® training program. In 2013, the Accountable […]